Thursday, April 5, 2007

Work review, taxes, plans for the summer

Today was my official review at work. I was pleasently suprised by the feedback I got...mostly because I didn't feel like any of it was stupid, incorrect, or worse...irrelevant. It was a good meeting, and no, not everything was positive bullshit. There were a lot of constructive comments, and a few biting ones. I always feel nervous around my boss, especially with things like this...they seem so official.

I have basically already spent my tax refund. Part went to boys and girls club for my two random dates (I bought people at an auction while I was drunk); part went STRAIGHT BACK TO THE GOVERNMENT for my speeding ticket; part went to the driving school they made me take... so much for something nice for myself.

I'm so excited for the work 9-5; take some time off. I'm definitely going to Israel, but I'm excited about the other possible options for the summer. Thinking about weekend trips. It's also making my head spin a little...I'm doing A LOT of interviews and other things to look for a new job. Today, due to my review, I'm almost feeling content to just stay here. I do have a lot of things to work on; why not work on them not in the theatre world...what happens here isn't likely to have a huge affect once I get a new job (meaning if I F it up). My boss told me that she is at least 50% positive that she won't be here for ths Spring Semester...might leave in December; might leave as early as August.

I'm tired of feeling like I can't ask you to do things with me. You know who you are. I'm just so sure that you are going to say no. This goes for movies, dinner, and yes, shock SEX! Don't think for even a minute that if you never say yes to dinner that I'm going to invite you over for no strings attached intimacy. What are you...CRAZY!

1 comment:

Gridley said...

Ah, I just did my taxes this morning. The feds owe me money too. Have you ever had a strange urge to demand the interest you could have earned on your tax refund? Perhaps I need more sleep.

Performance reviews are always very painful for me. On the one hand, I HATE rating myself as anything higher than average in any way - I feel like I'm bragging. I also am never really sure whether I should set my standards to what I see the other people around me are like, or to what I think I should be capable of.

Do you get rated on a whole bunch of management-speak? We get rated on "enhancing shareholder value" or something like that. I'm not kidding.