Friday, July 27, 2007

Business Opportunity

<a href=""><img src="" /></a>


Here’s an idea for someone that wants to start a business.


We’re all trying to save energy and we’ve all been told to use the compact fluorescent lamps.  Great.  Count me in.  Unfortunately, it appears nobody told the lampshade people – or at least, nobody told them 10 years ago so that lamp shades made then would work for lamps (bulbs) manufactured now.


The result is like wedging a very small crowbar into a slot on a very thin piece (and comparably expensive) of glass.  Said crowbar is a tool now fairly oten used by the feline population of our particular household.


Lights out.


So, if you are one of these people trying to find a product we need, how about an adaptor for using standard style lamp shades with the new compact fluorescent lamps.  Just a thought.


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David said...

SO much for trying to post a photo by email. Lets try this...

Anonymous said...

How did you become a panelist for usitt? They'll take anyone these days :) Come visit sometime, we'll go see the ponies
