Friday, July 6, 2007

Things I want to change

I've been thinking a lot about my personality, my position and my life. Not to much, but certainly enough to make me realize that if there ever was a time to start myself creating and keeping good habits, now is the time.

I'm settled down- at least fairly reasonably so for someone 22 years old. Yesterday was my one year mark at USC, and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. I got over that 6 month hump, and things are going good. I've lived at the same apartment for a year, and am eagerly going on two. I own plants, furniture and have decorated extensively. I think it's time for me to focus a little inwardly...

Here are some things I want to do: (remember, these are pretty broad goals).

1. Modesty. I'm not sure this is quite the right word for it. I am a person who has always been very easy to meet and get along with. while I'm not trying to change this concept; I would like to learn to keep my mouth shut a little longer, and my personal life a little more personal. Even more so I would like to keep my friendly touches a little less friendly. I'm so quick to let people get close- hugging, touching, etc. It's not a bad thing- I just think I could stand to keep a little more distance. The more I think about it, the more I realize modesty is an integral part of feminity. You don't need modesty to be feminine, but it certainly dosen't hurt.

2. Current Events. I hesitate to call this politics, for fear of the backlash. But the honesty is (and all of my friends know it) I'm not a very aware adult. I don't know about political parties- I can't tell you the major players, or what the parties think on the 'hard-line' issues. In general I think that I have opinions about the things that matter, but for some reason I have decided that things don't affect me. I'm not saying I want to be totally immersed or care about every politician. Far from it. I just want to be more knowledgeable about the parties, the people, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, the relevant news of the day. I don't think it's fair that I should rely on David Boevers to provide this information for me. I know how to click to I just need to start doing it.

3. Friendship. I have a lot of friends. There are a lot of people in my life I value and care for. At this point in my life I just need to cement those friendships that I want to have for the rest of my life. I want to have people in my life whom I can invite over for Sunday brunch or a fun dinner. And by friends, I really mean females. I need girlfriends in my life- I have to stop relying on my boyfriends to provide that outlet for me. So, I either need to find it, or give up on trying to find it. I am willing to admit that there might come a time when I just need to accept that I am not destined to be one of those girls who has a best friend. If that's the case, I need to learn to adjust my life to it.

4. Blogging community. I realize I'm not the most interesting person in the world, but I would like to have more people reading my blog. It's so funny to me, since I was anti-blog for a very long time. I realize, however, that i like the outlet. Now I just need to start reading some blogs by some diligent posters (sorry friends, most of you just don't make the bill) who are more in my age range. Most of the blogs I read "daily" are about mothers. Now mind you, there is NOTHING wrong with being a mother...I just want to read about other 20 somethings...their issues, their not be alone in the blogging world.

So- these are some of my broad goals. Not really sure how to go about fixing them, but I think I have to try- at least something.


Cait said...

Ooh, call on me! I am a huuuge blogging dork. I call it 'falling down the blog hole.' Most of the blogs I read are about mothers and fathers too, but here are some links to some really talented writers closer to our own age. I like them, maybe you will too?


Raising Them Jewish said...

I think that even if someone else had replied- you still might win. Nothing but bonfires makes me want to scream at pie! SCREW YOU PIE..of course, it isn't my brithday yet :-)