Thursday, August 16, 2007

I wish to tell you more

I wish that I could relate my experiences....the heart-felt love of a new place, the intense ideas that make a new place interesting, the religious ideas that swirls through my head...

I promise you all that I will not come back the states an ultra-religious jew, or an Israel advocate/lover/obsessive. Unless something truly magnificent happens right now, tomorrow....

My brain has been through so many different transformations...from questions, to answers only to lead to many, many more questions. I can only hope that there are many more questions and answers in the making.

I wish that there were4 people I could talk to about this experience... I know I can discuss the revelations with Matt, but Hallie, Caitlin, the others in my life I love... I wish only the best for them, their own religious ideas and concepts and the ability to see how my revelations have changed me. I wish this experience upon the whole world...

Well- that's all I can say tonight... I hope that I get the chance to explain my relevations to everyone...

-Lala tov, Elizabeth

1 comment:

Anonymous said... can discuss religion with me, I promise. ;)
You might be surprised.

Laila Tov,