Monday, February 19, 2007

interesying is the LEAST of the things i have to say is monday. i skied today, and i tore a ligiment in mt thumb- i'm starting off with that for the spelling mistakes.

When i got here i wasn't sure what i was doing, but i have had a great time. despite the sexual pressure; i have enjoyed the cuddling and being together. it was the rught thing to do to break-up; but we have still had a good time. it turns out that without the pittsburgh environment, we are very different ppl.

snowboarding at powder, then 2 days of skiing at snowbasin. so much fun! i didn't hurt myself until the 6th run today; the most runs i had done over the coursae of the 3 days.

i'm better at skiing, and, truth be told, i enjoy it more!

I realize that i am a very hot and cold persom-i go from happy to sad quickly. luckily i go both ways just as rapidly.

its funny to me that while i had had a great time- i can't help but wonder what is going on at home. having memories of different events, and vacations. i so accident prone.



Gridley said...

Mostly unrelated question - how do you define "home"? Your current legal residence? The place your family live?

Sorry you hurt yourself. :-(

cait said...

You, my friend, do NOT SUCK.

If it makes you feel any better, I totally embarrassed myself at the office ski weekend earlier this month. Have you ever wondered what happens if you can't get off the ski lift in time? Well ask me, I can tell you. Only a Janapol...