Thursday, February 22, 2007

Looking at my positive achievements

This post is spurned by Caitlin...

What have I achieved. Looking at my life, and my bank account, I have certainly been investing more in entertainment, fun and taking time out. I have established a routine, a life, a presence in LA. I have conquered my first job, in fact conquered it so much that I am able to say I'm ready to move on. I have furnished and decorated a beautiful apartment. I have broken up with a man who may have been, and might still be, the most influential person in my life. I have created more meaningful relationships with friends, old and new. I have nurtured relationships with my family, relationships I didn't think were possible years ago.

At the same time, i know that there are LOTS of things that I overlook daily...things I think to much about, care to much about.

Thanks Caitlin: making me look at the positives. I keep trying to remind myself that things are good- but a little nudge from outside certainly helps.

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