Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Doing what you want, versus doing what you 'should'.

How many times a day do you think about what you 'should' do? Is 'should' a word that, in today's me world, we think about to often. Does the 'should' of lives decisions actually dictate our lives?

I can't decide if I'm doing what I'm doing because I want to, or because I think that I 'should.'

Go to the dishes...don't make out with an excercise...listen to your parents...

Honestly do I want to go to USITT...? I only know about 1 person there, no one wants to room with me, and in reality, what will I get from it?

Doing the dishes....sometimes I want to, but more often than not, that's a should. And in reality you SHOULD DO THE DISHES! Listen to that gem a little more often Matthew.

Don't make out with an Ex? But I want to, and it feels good, and fun and nice. Where does it end?

Excerise...I HATE THE GYM! Am I so fat that I really have to be concerned?

Okay- sometimes the 'should' wins; but what about my own desire to actually do something? where did that go?

I finished a lot of laundry, I finished the curtains over the back door, my dasies seem to be growing strong, I cleaned my room, I put up the hanger in my bathroom for my robe...I also managed to get myself hot and horny with nothing to satiate me...grrr....

live strong...pray for friday.


Gridley said...

I tend to think of things I 'should' do as things that will make me happy in the long run. So I 'should' excercise since in the long run I will be much happier being in shape. 'Want' is short-term gratification. I go out for dinner, or go see a movie, because I want to.

Sometimes they conflict. I want to tell someone he's gone off the deep end, but I should keep my mouth shut. However much short-term gratification it might give me, telling him what I think would be a really bad idea in the long run.

What do I do when they conflict? I usually go with 'should'. I should always go with should, but... "Everything in moderation, including moderation."

Raising Them Jewish said...

everything in moderation...including moderation...that's a little like never say never.

It seems to me that the things I should do often keep me from making clear decisions about what I want to do...