Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I don't know how you do it...

This week has been one of the busiest, craziest weeks of my life....I literally DO NOT believe that this time last week I was in Phoenix...that this time last week i was just starting the relaxing, drinking fun that occured. I have been so busy that I am actually stealing time from something that needs to get done in order to even write here.

As much as I might complain about working on Sat/Sun it does have some advantages...namely being able to relax and breathe in my office; knowing that there aren't phones ringing, people stopping by and craziness. Most of my Saturdays revolve around me being the only one, and me being the only problem solver.

On the personal side I have been asked out by two different boys...I am particularly excited about this. It's funny to me that as much as I wasn M&M to love me, care for me, and want to date me; I'm excited about these new boys...I'm excited about being taken out for dates, I'm excited that someone not only wants, but will drive 45 minutes just for a date with me.

I hope to have some time to reflect on the date- it's the Spring Equinox...remove those sweaters..clean house a little bit, and get excited for Spring and summer!

1 comment:

Gridley said...

Can someone please tell the weather that it is the first day of spring?

Congrats on the dates - I'm surprised you're not used to having multiple guys after you. ;-)

Given that one of my co-workers just went to the on-site clinic with chest pain, I'm not sure how long I'll be able to keep doing this schedule - I envy you your regular wednesday-sunday work week.