Monday, March 19, 2007

Sometimes I think I'm a terrible person...because to be honest, I just don't care

Is it bad not to care...because sometimes I just don't. Someone was talking to me about the state of New Orleans, and I felt bad because I couldn't stop thinking about what I was going to eat for lunch. There were students on campus protesting Military Recruiters...I happen to personally be in favor of recruiting, but all I could think was don't they have better things to do with their time.

Does it make me a bad person to not care? I like to think that I'm 'on top' of the politcal world, but the truth is that I'm not and that I don't really care. I care on a prefunctory level; the things that touch my life or are things good friends care about...

This weekend in Phoenix life was great...I had such a good time. Lots of new people, friends and wonderful contacts...YEAH NETWORKING!

I also, oddly enough, managed to have an almost totally friend conversation with our dear Matthew. WOW!


Gridley said...

What I care about are things that directly affect people, usually people I know.

Global warming? OK, the climate is changing, just like its been changing for the last four billion years or so. I don't really care.

My friend is having a bad day? That I care about.

There are some 'bigger issues' I care about, but they aren't picked for any high minded reasons - they're just what I happen to care about.

Maybe that makes me a bad person, but it still makes me a better person than someone who only cares about the value of their stock options, or getting elected to congress so they can be powerful and get elected again.

Mike said...

I know it's tough to keep up with the bigger picture when you're busy with your own life. Personally, I always lose touch when I'm working on a big show or project.

I guess it's all we can do to keep in touch with the wider world. I mean, it must be terrible to live in, say, Iraq or Afghanistan right now. I know if I was there I'd want someone to at least know what was happening, since leaving the house is taking one's life in one's hands over there.

It's tough to dispel that "I'm not worried, it's a million miles away" syndrome, but the real benefit of our crazily electronically networked world is that we have the chance to know what's going on and maybe even do something about it if we can pry some time from our schedules here.

And really, when in a few years the war is still going on in Iraq and you have to wear a radiation suit to go to work, you'll at least have seen it coming. :)

Oh, I'm reading your blog these days - hope that's alright!

Anonymous said...

Why will we need radiation suits to go to work? Is the new disaster of the week that the Van Allen Belts are going to dissappear?

Raising Them Jewish said...

Mike- totally read my blog. I want opinions, i just don't want to tell people to read my blog...

I try to care, it's just that there are SO many things that you could/should care about. I do what I can, but sometimes I just think that it's not enough, and it will never be enough

Raising Them Jewish said...

PS- who is anonymous?