Thursday, June 7, 2007


I sent a legislative proposal to my state senator today. Of course it's about 4 months before anyone will even really look at it...but it made me feel good. I basically said I think it's ridiculous for USC to charge me to park my car in their USC owned parking lot. BECAUSE IT IS!

The DMV gives free parking... the DAMN DMV! And yet I have to pay for mine? How else am I supposed to get to work. An employee getting minimum wage gives them 6 hours of work for free to park a month. Damn...that SUCKS! The reality is that in my case it's closer to 2 hours, but I'm still pretty pissed off. What a StUPID system.

So, Senator Scott, please- help me out!


Gridley said...

Every so often someone does something and I'm not just surprised, but floored. I never, ever, would have pictured you proposing legislation to an elected official.

It isn't a bad thing, just a complete warp from my expectations. I've never known anyone who didn't work in the political field who has done something like that.

It is rather like the time a girl I know casually mentioned that she'd gone skinny dipping - I had her pegged as the type who turns the lights out for sex.

Maybe I just can't read people.

Raising Them Jewish said...

I'm suprised I suprised you so much. I was always REALLY active in making chages at CMU (I led the dining revisions for 2 years). This one has just gotten me so angry as of late- IT's WAR!