Monday, July 2, 2007

What a nice weekend

It all started out with Friday night. I went home, sat down and actually watched some TV. That hadn't happened all week! I lite Shabbos candles, and just took in the light. The travelor staying at our house (Susie) left a book called Three Cups of Tea which was a fantastic read. I stayed up until well after midnight finishing it.

I gave Matthew a call- and to be honest the fact that it was his birthday weekend was probably the only downdraw to the weekend. It's only a downdraw because I was annoyed that I didn't get to celebrate with him at all...however I was the first one to say Happy B-day on his actual birthday.

Saturday started early with soccer. My team has a new player- she's okay. I mean, she's a great player, but she's not so social... we tied 0-0. Really disappointing, since we should have been better than goals.

From there I went home and CHANGED MY OWN BRAKES! Yes, my daddy did help me, but cool am I!

Went home and out on a very nice Saturday night date. One of those dates were everything is just nice and perfect- even ending in a first kiss. We caught part of a free concert in the park, the Italian dinner was awesome, then billiards. I even WON two games! Then dessert at my favorite crepe restaurant and back home to say goodnight. It lasted from around 7pm-1am...and fun the whole time through!

Sunday was also great! I woke up sort of early, and my roommate had invited people over to have brunch. A random group, mostly people she knew from Pomona and our guest Susie. Nothing hot except coffee and tea- and it was GREAT! A continental breakfast, a little more Eurpoean than USA hotelish. I was there until 2pm! Then off to the family reunion.

The more time I spend with Thomas the more I like him. I still don't think he's right for becca, but he's a decent guy. Perhaps a little to jokey for me, but their engagement annoucement went well. I hung out there for a few hours- and gave dating suggestions to my 29 year old cousin (who took them and had A GREAT DATE!). Apparently I'm not so bad at this dating thing...

Then back home, straightening up, sanding my chair, and working in my bedroom. Another boy came over for a couple of hours and we hung out.

Oh- I almost forgot- I did get yelled at by my downstairs neighbor for sweeping the porch and watering my plants! Very funny story!

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