Thursday, August 2, 2007

Fanatical, Obsessive, or just Smart?

I ran across this site this morning:
It is a series of quizes about particular movies. I linked in from a Serenity fan site, and was somewhat surprised that I scored above average - after all, the questions seemed pretty easy. So I did half a dozen other movies (Apollo 13, 2 Harry Potters, Office Space, a couple others). Again, above average on each.
Now the question of the day is, do I spend too much time watching movies? Am I an obsessive-compulsive freak with an eye for detail? Or am I just smarter than the average movie goer?
Given the movies that seem to do well and the ones that don't, I'd like to believe the last is true.

And a time for every purpose under Heaven
Gridley, signing off

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