Thursday, September 6, 2007

Another long day

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

This day was just as long if not LONGER! I just don't have anything positive to say.

I do, however, want to bitch about just one thing: Pink's song "Dear Mr. President"

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm okay with people writing songs about our country. I prefer them to be positive, but it's cool- freedom of speech and all. I just HATE the part where she says something like:

"Let me tell you about Hard Work..."

Does she even KNOW what she's talking about. i'm not saying making songs isn't hard work- I'm saying she's never made a bed out of a cardboard box like the song says.


And, if you asked nicely, I think the President might go for a walk with you...

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Scribbit said...

It's always bothered me when people say insulting things like that about our president. I heard someone call him stupid and I thought, "You may not agree with him, you may think he's foolish but he's not stupid." And even though I didn't agree with Clinton or like the kind of man he was I would never say he was stupid. Or lazy!

Gridley said...

I wonder when it became fashionable to demonize political and religious leaders. Or is it really new? Does history just let such things die a usually deserved death most of the time? I don't think so, but I could be wrong.

If we do demonize our leaders more than we used to, what does that say about us?

Raising Them Jewish said...

That is EXACTLY how I feel Scribbit... What does it say about our country when we loudly call our President stupid. He's still the President. I think it totally devalues our international presence...

As for Gridley- I'm not sure. I think we do demonize them more. The issue that I see is that those who demonize aren't doing anything to positively change the problems.