Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Tip Tuesday

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

As for Tuesday Tips:

1. Unpack all of your boxes. There is NO REASON to still have a packed box 2 months in. If you do, it's probably because you DON"T need that crap.

2. Don't be afraid to invest. Invest in your new space. Paint if you can, decorate gracefully.

3. Put the furniture in 6 different ways before you commit. Just because it went somewhere in your old place...

4. Think about entertaining. How are 3 people going to fit on a couch really built for two? Never assume that it's just not important.

5. Think about the first things someone will see walking into your new place. What do those things say about you?

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will said...

while agreeing that you should paint your apartment if you like, i hardly see how that could be considered an investment (except of the emotional sort, perhaps) as it's more than likely you'll have to spend more money and time to repaint it when you leave..

Raising Them Jewish said...

Hmm... I think it is an investment in your sanity. A LOT of people don't do well with white...