Friday, November 2, 2007

Halloween Review

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

So this Halloween I went to the costume Carnaval in West Hollywood. It was an interesting experience. honestly, it's sort of weird. It's just a long street where people walk up and down to see people dressed up crazy. Good to go at least once, but I wouldn't go again unless I was someone to look at...

highlights include:
1. Not to many cheerleaders. That made me happy.
2. Crazy cross-dressing women/men. Who's surprised?
3. Cool Flinstones car. There were 4 people walking the rocked!
4. A great burrito, with wonderful seats to watch the crazies.
5. Listening to the HANSENS play Um Bop..while twirling my hair. I love acting 12.

On a totally other note, now for those of you who want G- rated material, read no further....but how does one go about creating a 3 person party? You get what I'm asking...right? I've had one before, but the circumstance was with me and a guy's gf. He was sort of cheating on her with me... I don't want the guy I want involved cheating on me with another girl.

I've been thinking a lot about it. Thanks roommate, for the sex-novels....

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Gridley said...

The closest I have come to it happening was almost accidental; both my SO and myself were interested in the same person, and in an emotionally charged moment we all wound up in bed together.

My suggestion would be to start with someone you're... actively involved with, and have a frank discussion with them about people besides you they're interested in.

You might get lucky. :-)

will said...

i had no idea hansen was still around...

as for three-way sex, personally, i think its asking for trouble, but whatever floats your boat.

Anonymous said...

I believe your answer is here:

Gridley said...

Three-way sex isn't necessarily the problem; three-way relationships certainly tend to lean that way IME.

Actually, I think people who can't accept sex that isn't part of a relationship are most of the problem.