Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Misinformation- people who are not what you expect them to be

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

Coming up next week is the 'Superbowl' of my office- the big gigantic fundraiser that we do once a year. I keep being reminded about the feelings I went into this event with last year, and how nothing was what I thought it would be. How I expected to dislike someone, but now I find that they are close to my heart. How I expected to dislike the event, but I'm actually excited about it.

Isn't wonderful when you find something you weren't looking for. When your world seems to be headed in such a specific direction, then something changes just as suddenly and things are totally happy. I hope that these types of experiences can happen to everyone, and that they continue to happen to me.

I've made myself an appointment at the Olympic Spa in Koreatown. It's on the 15th right after my Superbowl event. I literally plan on going straight from the hotel where the event is to the Spa...

From the spa to a party- from the party to drinking, from the drinking to drunk, from drunk to sleeping. From sleeping to Sunday and from Sunday to relaxed. I have faith.

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