Thursday, January 24, 2008

Fresh, wholesome and made from scratch

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

Yesterday I made my first Rachel Ray recipe. It turned out quite nicely. I took LOTS of pictures, as you'll see below (later tonight, when I remember my camera).

Broccoli Soup:

I get fresh organic vegetables delivered to my doorstep. This week I got two heads of broccoli. I love it, but I wanted something more than steamed. Enter the new Rachel Ray magazine (which I thought could replace my Blueprint (HAHAHA)) that happens to have a recipe for broccoli soup.

I changed it a little bit. I didn't have any heavy cream, so I used low fat milk instead. I didn't have Swiss cheese, so I used low fat cheddar instead. Woot! It turned out spectacular. I added some Napa Style grey salt (oh so good) and some cauliflower too.

Look how delicious it was:

THEN, because that wasn't enough, I decided to make glazed carrots. This recipe out of Real Simple (again, trying to replace my beloved Blueprint) was supposed to be to breathe life into bad carrots. Mine were good carrots, but the recipe still worked out great.

I added sugar and salt and let them cook

Then I took out the cooked carrots and left the sauce to reduce.

At the end of the night this was my meal:

Course 1: Homemade Broccoli Soup

Course 2: Homemade Carrot and Couscous

Course 3: Homemade (from scratch) cookies.

Yup, wine throughout, I deserved it. No Microwave, nothing frozen and NO MEAT! Wow....

Then I cleaned the house, lit some candles and put on some music. What a wonderful meal. It almost felt like a meal for a lover- well, I love myself. I wrote in my journal, read the bible (YEAH I'VE READ ALL OF GENESIS!) and took a shower. Cuddling up into bed.

I like this wholesome food, no TV, gym and yoga filled world. Let's see how long it lasts....

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1 comment:

Gridley said...

Mmm... fresh fruits and veggies.

(munch munch)