Thursday, July 31, 2008

A very crazy few weeks

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

Let's see what happened:

ComicCon: I went down to San Diego with about 5 other people, and it was an amazing weekend. IT started off a little terribly, with an accident on the 5 by Camp Pendleton. Basically it took us 2 hours to go 7 miles.
Look it up on video here or in words here. Really, neither of these articles help explain the 2 hour backup. The boys got out of the car and WALKED faster. But eventually we made it to ComicCon. The hotel was great, the Hyatt by the Convention Center, and the activities rocked. I got to meet Jamie and Adam from Mythbusters! WoHOO! We watched tons of previews, including Terminator, Disney, Watchmen, the Spirit and a few others. Lots of floor time, and lots of purchases. We even made time for seaport village and dinner

JOB INTERVIEWS: I had one in San Diego, which went well. It was for a Managing Director job, which was really exciting. Then I've had two others, one with a symphony and one with a reunions program at a private university. They have all gone well, but I'm anxious about second interviews, and the lack of 'call backs'.

FAMILY: My sister is at home working on wedding things. I've seen like 8 photographers, 2 DJ's and so far 2 dress stores. There's no time for breathing, let alone anything else!

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1 comment:

Gridley said...

Any more news on the job front?

Best of luck with your interviews!