Friday, January 2, 2009

And introducing 2009...

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

I think it started a tad bit auspiciously, with a foggy night as a bookend to the new year transition. I can't help but wonder if the cover of fog allowed a slightly sinister year to begin... or am I attributing far to much to a few foggy nights just a few miles from the ocean?

Either way the holidays have been good to me. I was lucky enough to be able to take some time off of work, and to spend most of the time either celebrating with family or with Matthew in Manhattan Beach. Both activities made me very happy. I was thrilled with celebrating Christmas with his family for the first time. It seems so odd that it's been years of being together, and yet our first Christmas and Chanukah celebrations. I was shocked by the present load related to Christmas, honestly, it was all a bit much.

I have been reading Eat, Pray, Love and I can't tell you how excited this book has me. I was considering offering it to another friend I know wanted to read it when I was finished, but I think that I should hang on it, keep it around for a little pick me up when I need it most.

Sometimes it's hard for me to have the spiritual conversations I want to. Sometimes I have a yearning for a deeper understanding of G-d, and for someone to discuss these revelations with. However, I haven't found anyone. Those in my life I used to connect with have been recently unable to process these thoughts, and I'm still looking for a spiritual teacher. Those who have read the book will know that she has a Guru. No, that's not what I'm looking for. Really I want a Rabbi or a Rebbitzin who I can connect with, who I can truly engage with to discuss the truths of my life, and how I connect with G-d.

I brought Molly up to visit with Matthew and I in Manhattan Beach. I'm pleased to say that she is doing wonderfully. It was so nice to have her there all week, and I didn't even really mind it when she meowed at the door. (Matt decided he didn't want her in the bedroom).

Okay, I guess that's it for now...

I wish everyone a happy, healthy and rewarding 2009.

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