Thursday, January 22, 2009

Off to San Francisco...

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

So M@ and I are headed to San Fran tomorrow. Before I go though, here's a list of things I'm doing:

Music Rights for Bacchae, specifically trying to find Iwamoto Yoshikazu and the Spiritual Chants of Native America.

Music Rights for Book of Tink, including Moby and two songs by Verve Forecast.

Set-up chairs and tables for the Academy of Lifelong Learning 12th Night presentation.

Pack for the trip

Try to make dinner for my parents

Find out why Arrowhead water has stopped delivering water to my office

Find out why an HVPO for lighting didn't go through so we can get our lighting package on Monday.

But let's get back to the point... San Francisco. I am SO excited about this trip. I've been trying to to arrange a trip for M@ and I since we went to San Diego. What a weird trip that was. I wanted to write disaster, but that's not really true. The trip was fun, the places we went were great. The argueing, not so much. It was at the end of our relationship, and San Diego just solidified what we already knew.

With San Francisco we've got lots of plans. We've got, what I think, is a great hotel room. We've got plans for a museum, an alcatraz tour, and dinner in Chinatown.

I'm psyched. And I'm psyched that it's all going towork out wonderfully. And, more important, if it doesn't then I'm not really worried about it. I know we'll enjoy a good time.

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1 comment:

Gridley said...

While you're there, you might try walking across the Golden Gate Bridge; I did it when I was there, and it is a bridge that deserves some appreciation!