Thursday, May 28, 2009

Crazy really

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

I have just come to the conclusion that I'm a little crazy. Okay, I'll give you a moment to nod your heads in agreement or cheer at my revelation...

Really though, I do tend to be a bit on the dramatic side. I'm dramatic, I'm overly invested and involved. I talk fast, type fast, walk fast. I go from tears to smiles and back again in an instant.

I also share much more personal information with people than I should. If you're reading this blog then you might agree with this assessment. Not sure why that is, sometimes it just comes out of my mouth. Perhaps it has something to do with me wanting to be a part of everything.

I wanted to say THANK YOU! Thank you for tolerating me, loving me, sharing with me. Thank you for being who you are, reading here, and deciding that I am important enough to be a part of your lives.

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1 comment:

Gridley said...

Gee, a drama major on the dramatic side, whodathunkit? ;-)

Seriously, it takes a lot of bravery to share so much of yourself with the world, I think.