Saturday, March 3, 2007

Cleaning out your world....

Today I started cleaning out the old numbers I have in my phone. Oddly theraputic...but strangely sad. It's amazing how many people I have in my phone, and how many people I feel more than comfortable just erasing from existence. Even stranger how many people that I'm just NOT QUITE sure who the hell they are.

I've added last names- that's an improvement.

We lost our soccer game today- a STUPID penalty kick in the last 30 seconds. Totally stupid, but in honestly we played better- at least during the second half.

What a petty posting, but honestly, life is good. My dad came up for the game, that was SO exciting. He went out for lunch with me and some members of the team. We had a fun lunch, sitting, getting to know eachother. I think that some of us could be really good friends, have a good time together, outside of the games. But for the moment, I'm enjoying what we seem to have.

I'm watching's a really good show. I borrowed the first now I'm not bored.

So...that's my life. What's up with you?

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