Friday, March 2, 2007

A feeling of peace and security

Tonight I lite the candles. Friday Night Lite. Two of them, about 18minutes before sunset and I felt a sense of supreme calm. A happiness in my heart, a lightness in my feet. I wrote a note to all my friends, I cannot have imaginged the peace I felt, and how much it would have changed my outlook on the night, and the week ahead.

I think that things are going well. I have plans tomorrow-a soccer game, lunch with my dad and the girls, and then work- FOLLOWED by a PURIM party. I love Purim, it's one of the best holidays- hamentashen (sp) and loud costumes. Sunday I have work, followed by a late night kickball game at the Staples center. Monday- an interview, and then a KICKBALL GAME with Monday drinking.

I love life- and for the moment- life loves me.

PS- if you want to be penpal, let me know. I want to write people letters.

1 comment:

Gridley said...

There is something special about an actual paper letter, isn't there?

If only other people could read my handwriting... :-(

There's also something magical about fire.

Just make sure the fire doesn't get too close to the letters.