Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Cool new site:

I read a LOT of books... today I found the coolest site. It's a site where people register books, and then either mail them to someone or leave them in cool places to be found by someone else. TOTALLY AWESOME: Click below:

Commit random acts of literacy! Read & Release at http://www.bookcrossing.com/friend/Ebuckser

On another, purely me note, my readership went up to 5 today...that's kind of exciting. I also managed to get myself invited to an on-site job interview. AKA someone is flying me somewhere cool to meet with them and have a second interview. I'm excited about the possibility...not sure I really want the job, but what the heck! I certainly want some thing new.

I'm very worried about the friend I'm not supposed to talk about. He has seemed very depressed lately. I'm angry at myself because I don't want to talk to him. Talking to him makes me feel bad about myself...it makes me wonder when he is going to call, wait for him to call, etc. He has been a friend for so long, it makes me feel like a bad person to not want him in my life right now. Selfish, stupid, and silly.

I'm PSYCHED about Passover. My absolute FAVORITE jewish holiday. If any CMU kids are reading this- GO TO DAVID BOEVERS celebration. It's totally great, and it has amazing food.

1 comment:

Gridley said...

Your readership of your blog? How can you tell?

Hey, it always feels good to get flown somewhere for an interview even if you know you don't want the job.