Tuesday, July 17, 2007


So, no post on Monday. I was so busy and distracted. Here's a rundown of the weekend, or at least what I remember of it:

Friday. I don't know...I don't really remember. I think that was Paris JeTeAime (which is a FABULOUS movie)

Saturday. Pasadena to Burbank for a kickball party. Burbank to Santa Monica for a soccer party. A brief stop at Rustins. Home to my parents house.

Sunday. Breakfast with mom and dad. Home to Santa Monica for volleyball. Santa Monica to Burbank for dinner with Shelly. See a pattern here! :-)

Over 200 miles of driving this weekend. Lots of fun, however. It was good, if a little over busy weekend. I rather enjoyed all the parties, and the fact that I convinced my parents not to argue with me about my trip.

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