Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Fun Fun Tips

As I interview and hire new students for the year, here are 7 things NOT to do when you want a work-study job:

1. DON'T call people at 7am. The work day starts at 9am AT THE EARLIEST! So please, give us a break and unless something is really an emergency, let me sleep

2. Don't show up to an interview drunk or hungover. I know, it seems like a REALLY basic principle. I was suprised by how many people missed this memo this year.

3. Don't have a three page resume. Chances are good that I probably don't even need your resume, but coming straight out of high school your resume should be ONE PAGE at the most. NO EXCEPTIONS!

4. Don't ask me if you can have special priviledges in the interview. I don't want to hear you asking to use the theatre for ANY reason before I've even hired you.

5. Don't show up to an interview without shoes. It's a ridiculous notion to think that you won't need them at work, and if you don't start out with them, how do I know you even OWN them?

6. Asking about pay is perfectly okay in an interview for a student job. Making a sigh or a snide remark or face about the pay, means I won't hire you. Good luck!

7. Don't show up late. It's just bad manners. Give yourself enough time to find the location, and figure out where you need to be BEFORE the interview.

As people hire student work-studies around the country I can only hope that their experiences with these students aren't as poor as mine...

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