Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Who would have guessed I could actually have a fantastic spiritual moment in the Holy Land...well I DID!

"One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent"- Me

I had a moment this morning. Actually it was a moment recalling a moment. I haven't shared much about my journey thorough Israel, and this morning I recalled an absoultely perfect Jerusalem moment. Let me set the scene:

It was Shabbat morning (saturday) and I had been kicked out of the Hostel at 10am. In all my wisdom and belief in the Lonely Planet guide I got all dressed up and attempted to see the Temple Mount. Turns out my Lonely Planet was a liar and they aren't open for non-Muslims on Saturday. Please don't get me started about how annoyed I am that ANYONE can go to the Western Wall 24/7 but only Muslims can enter Temple Mount about 80% of the time (and from all 6gates!). Needless to say I was annoyed. So I took myself to the Church of the Holy Speluchure. Now don't be mad at me, but no, I didn't go in and touch Jesus's tomb. The line was WAY to long. Back to the point at hand, my moment. I decided to go read, but there aren't any Jewish Cafe's open, so I settled for the benches over looking the Western Wall...at around between 12-1pm (not sure exactly) my MOMENT happened:

Sitting there, reading, the church bells started sounding...maybe 5 seconds later the Muslim call to prayer started rushing out the speakers on Temple Mount...the men in the temple started singing their hearts out. In that specific moment all three religions of Jerusalem were sounding in my head.

The pure power of being in that city hit me. It filled my soul, my heart, my ears...

I must have been overly consumed by the awesome place I was in for awhile...the next thing I remember is an elderly gentleman asking me if I needed somewhere to make Kiddush. Obviously I looked Jewish, or he wouldn't have asked, but was so engrossed in the moment he started to explain what Kiddush was to me (blessing over wine, a mitzvah on Shabbat).

I don't think I could have had this particular spiritual moment anywhere else. In that single instant I forgot about the tensions, the destroyed signs, the hostile attitudes and just relished in the awesomness of man's dedication to G-d.

I was reminded of this moment because of, shock, a sappy country song. Not sure if you've heard it, but Sunday Morning in America is actually a GREAT song. I was really moved by it this morning. Well, Saturday morning in Israel is the thing....

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1 comment:

will said...

yay cheerleaders and big screen tvs? and don't forget winnebagos...