Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Apple and Honey blessings for a new year...

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

I wish to infuse my life, and my blog, with the happiness that life can and should be. I have to remember that I control my own existence; the decision is MINE how I react to a certain situation.

All to often I get bogged down in unhappiness. So today I will take a page from Meg Fowler- a Things I LOVE list:

eating apples and honey
eating honey straight, especially with spoon to lick
Jewish Holidays- yes even Yom Kippur.
Being able to CELEBRATE jewish holidays
Real letters, and letter openers
sun streaks in the morning
my bed- all the time.
Eggs, Onions and Mushrooms. Dad- I love you!
The smile on my dad's face with I walk in the door at home.
That moment when i'm naked and I feel absouletly beautiful.

I hope that my list might inspire your own... I'm curious, what are THREE THINGS that you love?

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Mike said...


1. Being in nature: Hiking up a mountain and finding a clear stream among the trees, or looking out at everything below from a rock high up.

2. Good food! Tasty cheese, nice wine, fresh veggies, fresh bread, homemade baked goodies.

3. Sleep. Speaking of which...

will said...

1. things that smell like smoke:laphroaig 10 year, grandpa's pine tar soap, comme des garcons sythetic series six tar, the cage

2.early 20th century art: mondriaan, stravinsky, hemingway, fritz lang, gropius and anything else bauhaus, boccioni, fitzgerald, malevich, shostakovich, waugh, etc.

3.sunday morning the day after st. patrick's, when everybody is a bit hungover, reflecting on the fuzzy recollections of the previous evening, lazily cooking eggs and grateful that there is another day ahead, to use at leisure, before returning to work

Gridley said...

Hmm. Only three?

1. Ren Faires/SCA Events, especially bardic circles.

2. Gaming (board, computer, RPG, miniatures, cards, chess...)

3. Target shooting (bow or firearm)

Anonymous said...

Three is hard, especially since my whole life has changed this month and I'm not really getting a lot of time for the things I love. Plus, my first thoughts had to do with people, not things. However - THINGS I love:

1) Being held by someone who loves me and whom I love.

2) Reading early in the morning knowing the rest of the world is still asleep and that I can fall asleep again if I want to - there's still time.

3) No longer working for the devil! Sitting at the mixer during the show and thinking, "I get payed to do this?!?"
