Monday, September 24, 2007

Going under the knife- sort of

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

It turns out that the 'slight' burping problem I have is actually quite serious. It's called aerophalcia (sp?) and it means that I'm ingesting air to much.

No one seems to have a good idea for how it might be that I'm ingesting to much air. I don't drink soda, I don't chew gum all the time, and I don't eat to many gassy foods.... any other ideas?

They want to put me out and stick a camera down my throat to see if I'm okay. Sounds pretty- dosen't it?

What tyoes of crazy surgeries have you had?

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D Holcomb said...
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D Holcomb said...

Uhh. I had two disks removed. But that was over half my life ago. Likely before you were born. Anyway, I don't recomend back problems. They don't really go away. I have also had all kinds of goofy tests. I recomend the kinds where you can see live video images of your insides. Those are the most fun.

Gridley said...

Endoscopy isn't really all that drastic - I can't speak to the surgery that they might determine is necessary, I'm afraid.

I had eye surgery when I was too young to remember, but other than that I haven't had anything interesting.

Surgeries I've witnessed include skin grafts, however.

While I'm no surgeon, if you feel you need someone who 'speaks doctor' to talk to, I'm only a phone call away.

will said...

lymphangioma removed from right eyebrow (twice.) according to my opthamologist this is comparable to "sucking jello through a straw." not sure if this is metaphorical or not. fortunately i was not conscious to find out.