Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Holistic Healing

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

I bought this really great book a few months ago. It's called Mind, Body, Spirit. When I first bought it I started reading and was quite interested in the ideas presented. I thought that they were a little far-fetched, and though I considered some of them, I didn't really implement any of them.

I've been having problems with my back, sleeping, and with digestion (read burping). I was feeling particularly annoyed at the state of my health yesterday after trying to arrange for PT for my ankle when I remembered this book.

It goes through lots of alternative, holistic therapies that are designed to provide treatment for a wide-range of illnesses. There are over 80 therapies mentioned, as well as ideas about prayer, eating, and alternative approaches to life such as ayurveda and chinese medicine. The more I read this book and think about it's ideas, the more I want to try it's suggestions.

So, here are some of the commitments I am going to try to make:

1. No more than 8 hours of sleep per night. Right now I'm getting about 10+ and I think that's attributing to my back pain. With this I hope to go to bed a little earlier and rise earlier as well.

2. Eating my lunch/dinner on real dishes. This is going to be a tricky one, but I think I might spend more time relaxed if I try to make this dedication.

3. Cooking from fresh ingredients. This is a very complicated endeavor. I can't imagine that I'm going to be able to get rid of all of my frezzer goods, etc. but I think that maybe I can try to add at least one fresh ingredient to each meal. Perhaps I should get back on my organic food delivery...

4. More fruits and vegetables. Again, I don't think I will achieve it all in one day, but I really should be intaking about 5-7 fruit/veggies a day. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

5. 45 minutes per day of walking. This is meant to put excercise in my life in a real and actual way. In my ideal world I would be getting up a little earlier around 8am and then going to bed a little earlier, around midnight

6. Homeopathic remidies. I have had some experience with these remedies, and I think that they can be really helpful. Included in these are arnica, chamomile, etc.

7. Essential Oils. Again, some experience and everything I have had was great.

8. 10 minutes about 3 times a day of internal reflection. This could be praying, meditation, humming, deep breathing... etc. It's a lofty goal, but worth it I think.

Anyone have any experience with zero-balancing? How about ayurvedic practicioners? What about nutritional therapy?

Am I being stupid? Do these things sound ridiculous?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These ideas are totally NOT ridiculous! You will notice a positive change, and quickly, when you incorporate even a few of these things into your daily routine.