Monday, November 26, 2007

Hearing the good thoughts from others

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

I am so thrilled and happy to hear all of the good in the lives of my friends. To hear that Caitlin loves the theatre and her job, not to mention the fact that her soul is brimming over with excitement. That Allie in Europe has embraced the life-altering experience. That she is finally realizing all those things that she does that make her brilliant and wonderful, and that she's truly investing in making herself everything she can be.

All of these people, and all of their happiness, makes me thrilled. It's more than just happiness, it's honestly a type of excitement that can only be described as incredible. To hear, finally, that all the people that I love and care about are doing well. Not only doing well, but fabulously. Embracing the wondrous people that they are, and loving every minute of their days.

To life- to happiness- to love.

I also just wanted to say that I really do believe in the powers of love. To be in love, to love someone, to share love. That even though it's a tough road that I know the truth about the way love fills you with happiness and excitement, energy and all the good in life. I can only hope that even with all my flaws that someone will realize that 30 years from now I will still love to be outdoors, that I will still get over things quickly, and that the smile on my face every morning isn't going anywhere.

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