Thursday, November 8, 2007

Weird day, weird hour, weird life

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

lots of thoughts running through my head
Random thoughts, random ideas, not sure where to place them.

Worried about how people take things
worried about where my life is going. Not sure where to place them.

tired. of work, of school.
Tired of having to try so hard. Not sure where to turn.

Content. Trying to focus on where the good is.

Okay- I admit it. I have no idea what that is. It's not exactly a poem, but it certainly is some of the thoughts running through my head, though, of course, not in any sort of manageable order.

I know many new people have found there way here, and I want to remind you about this and that this is, again, my space. Please don't take anything I say here with to much weight. But, since you're here, you might as well internalize the thoughts I have.

I'm tired of people putting their ideas onto me. Recently this has come in the form of what they think the 'line' of my life should be. Where I should be headed, how much experience I have to be doing what I want to be, and what experiences I should have before I do what I want to. I have my thoughts, and my ideas. I want your opinion, but I don't want your opinion of what the perfect trajectory is thrust on my life. Yes, we all have our lenses. Just don't forget that you're seeing me through yours, and that what you think and what I think may be different.

I miss my friends. Please come back. Please return my phone call. Please come visit. Please write on your blog. Please don't forget about me.

I want my sister to have her wedding. I'm not inundated with thoughts about weddings, what colors I want, where I want it, what traditions I want to follow. There isn't a man, so stop it. And sister of mine, beautiful sister of mine, get a MOVE-ON!

I bought some homeopathic remedies yesterday. I'm excited. Arnica, and a few others. I don't think I got the potency right, but 30x is what they were selling. My book recommends 6x....

I want my group to stop being ridiculous. We need to commit to a meeting time and place and just get to it....grrrr...

UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE: I have to remember that the crappy weather makes me feel crappy. I hate these no sun, no rain kind of days. But it will get sunny again! REMEMBER THE SUN!

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1 comment:

will said...

rainy days always put me in a better mood