Monday, December 17, 2007

I can do it, I can do it, I can do- I'm the little engine that could.

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

Choo choo! Yes, that's right. I am reaching into my past and pulling out the little engine that could to make me feel better. At the end of the day, I will survive, and the sun will come out tomorrow.

Friendships are hard. I think my friends fall into three categories- those who I think are EXTREMELY important but I don't really speak to or see; those who I think are EXTREMELY important but whom I cannot help but annoy the crap out of; and those who are borderline acquantences, but we're hoping. Why is that?

Which category do you think you should be in? Am I missing one? Or am I really just stupid to think that it's this simple.

I'm trying really hard to not piss people off. I think the best way to do this is to try not to cry, and not to be to invested. Yup- no tears, and no investment. This all gets back to the whole expectations things.

On a totally other note: everyone things that I'm working right now. I'm a little annoyed to be sitting here in the BMH office listening to classical music. What's that about? But, I didn't want to be in my office alone, and I don't have a computer because my laptop is really crazy. But at least in my own office, I would have my crazy country music on my radio paradise...grrr....

When do you know if you are going a little crazy? I started seeing a therapist, but does that mean I'm crazy?

Eh, I think that I shouldn't think to hard, I should just relax and eat some more chocolate covered raisins.

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will said...

i always feel like i might be able to simplify an issue by dividing things into categories, but i find i usually spend more time thinking about which category things should fall into and developing a needlessly complex system than actually dealing with the issues at hand.

that's terrible that you had CLASSICAL MUSIC forced upon you. inhuman really.

in any case, don't stress yourself too much.

Gridley said...

I think the system ate my comment. Well, that's the week I'm having.

Seeing a therapist is not a sign that you are going crazy. In fact, I think seeing a therapist is a sign that you have not yet gone crazy.

I love The Little Engine That Could - wasn't it "I think I can, I think I can, the Little Blue Engine said"?

I guess I'm in friendship catagory 3; can't be 2, and I don't think I qualify as 1. I think you need another catagory. :-)

cait said...

Friendships are endlessly complicated, sweetheart. I'm learning a lot lately about how complicated friendships can get once people place expectations on their friends. I am honestly starting to think that the only way to really be a friend to someone is to know that they love you and that you love them and that they are human. Once there are rules for a friendship, everyone will fall short.

But that's just my opinion. do you define crazy? ;)

cait said...

P.S. Not having expectations doe not equal not being invested. It only means that you love that person no matter what.