Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday Sunday-

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

It's been a good weekend. Even though Molly's breath still smells, she looks shiny and pretty, and I think I love her. She's still a bit sick, but what can I do? The vet is only free M-F 1-2:30pm. Great for a working woman.

I think I'm sold on the new job. I'll give the current one an opportunity to make a counter offer, but I'm not sure if I care about that. I'm excited about something new. And a totally different career path.

They've cancelled the two magazines that made me happy. Jane Magazine was my happy magazine. The sane one that didn't make me feel fat, or that my whole life was only about clothes, makeup or mommy things. It made me feel good, and it wrote quite relevant articles. It was the inspiration for my Magazine bible. Then they cancelled Blueprint. My newest love- from (of all people) Martha Stewart. It's only been around for 2 years. It was my muse. The DIY I loved, the fashion that wasn't to disgusting (or expensive). It gave me party planning, and practical notions as well. Oh what I would do to have you back in my corner...

I went to a few parties, I cleaned my work computer. I cleaned my house and added some bedside lamps (I'm not quite sold on them). Overall, it's been a good weekend.

I just want to know whether I will really enjoy the new job. But, I guess that's the challenge. Doing something you don't know the outcome of... I can be strong.

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