Friday, February 29, 2008

Sadie Hawkin's Leap Day

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

Today is Leap Day. The added day of the year every 4 years to account for the actual spin of the earth.

Today is, by tradition, a day when a woman may ask a man to marry her. I think I'm going to try it.

Now many of my loyal readers and friends will start to wonder, who, pray tell, is she going to ask. She's not dating anyone serious, she's certainly not in a committed relationship. Well, Internet (to borrow the phrase from Holly), you're totally right. In fact, I plan on asking an EX!

That's right Internet, an Ex-boyfriend.

I imagine that the conversation will go something like this:

Me "Hi, how's it going"
Him "decent, okay, you?"
Me: "Good, do you know what today hi?"
Him: "No"
Me: " It's Leap day today!"
Him: "really? who knew"
Me: "do you know about the Leap day tradition?"
Him "No, what?"
Me: "Will you marry me?"
Him: .......
Me: "I asked you to marry me. I made a proposal...."
Him: .....
Me: "Will you marry me?"
Him: .....
Me: "Well, anyway's, that's the tradition. I'll talk to you later"
Him: .....


what do you think? Good plan of attack? I wonder if he'll read this before I propose? Hmm.....

I guess I'll update all those curious minds on Monday...perhaps with a ring on my finger...hehe

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will said...

the institution of marriage is a serious matter, not to be mocked or trivialized.

Anonymous said...

Does marrige really have to be an "institution"? That seems terribly clinical. Also, these days even marraiges entered into after a great deal of time and thought end badly. Impromptu declarations of love, romantic leaps of faith; I'm all for it.

will said...

i think a major cause of bad endings for marriages is an under-appreciation of facetious irreverence.

Mike said...

I sincerely hope you were kidding about this, Izzy.

I mean, unless you were trying to hurt and confuse your ex, or unless your senses of humour are very in tune, this could only cause trouble. I can assure you that if someone proposes to you and you care about that person (on any level) but are not willing to marry them it is an unbelievably awkward experience. Further, if the person then basically said "just kidding" afterwards, I can imagine the reaction would be anger because that is something one just does not joke about.

Also, I hope you won't be waiting until the next Feb 29 if you really want to marry someone! I should hope you would feel comfortable about proposing to a guy you cared about on any day of any year if you really felt like it!

Maybe I'm taking your post too seriously. I'm sorry I can't quite appreciate the humour in your post...