Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentines Day traditions

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

I really like the idea of valentines day traditions. For the second year in a row I intend to make a HUGE amount of cupcakes (around the 40-80 number) for work. I've thought it over, and here are some other traditions I like:

1. Flowers for your children. I know this sounds stupid, but I think that celebrating your children's lives, and the fact that they exist because of the love you share. I think this is especially important for girls, but boys can benefit from a display of love as well.

2. A relaxing night at home. I really do think that V-day should be spent in pj's. Maybe in the bedroom. Take advantage of the idea of sharing your love, and make a regular evening a little more special. I think it's too extravagant to try to make dinner reservations, etc. Make V-day a day to share the love you should show every night.

3. Stop the Anti-Valentine's Day events. I am specifically directing this at those people who want to throw an 'anti-love' party. I understand the anti-commercialism idea, but leave it rest at not buying a hallmark card.

4. Allow Valentines day to be with friends too! I don't think there is anything wrong with spreading the friendship love. Give a note to a good friend to thank them for everything. Sometimes it's harder to be the friend than the lover.

For me this year, I'm baking cupcakes and hanging out with friends. A good valentines day to all, and to all a good night!

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