Saturday, May 31, 2008

Despite attempts to keep up

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

It's been a tough transition back to the states. My stomach and mind and body are at war. I won't get into details, I'll just say that as much as I love to eat American, my body doesn't agree.

Vietnam trip is definitely confirmed. Esther as totally agreed with me. So the next step is to start making hotel reservations, the Ha-long Bay tour and the Cambodia tour. I think it will all work out, though I would be lying if I said that last night I was thinking it might be better just to bow out entirely...

I'm having a hard time with all the free time. 3 weeks to do nothing but look for jobs, perpare for Vietnam, and figure out what I'm doing with my life. Seems a lot easier than it is. I don't do well with lots of free time...

My friends grandfather died this week. He had a good life, in his 80's. I'm not going to the funeral, which should be okay with me, but I sort of want to. It's this whole part of a family I haven't met, and the last thing I want is for there to be regret about my attendance later...

I'm trying to get up to San Francisco. The vietnamese have their Consulate there. What's the pluses of living in LA if I have to go to San Fran for the visa?

I have a feeling that my writing will be more sporadic until I start school again or get a job... Keep watching though...

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Gridley said...

Welcome back!

X. Francis Gonzeaux said...

-excellent public transit system
-beautiful autumn foliage
-an abundance of small independent businesses
-mild summers
-readily accessible fresh water supply
-exotic wildlife
-being able to enjoy a silent, starry night
-close proximity to other major cities

no, wait, i'm thinking of something else. what are the benefits to living in la?