Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I like to be treated like a lady

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

It occurs to me today that I really enjoy it when someone opens a door for me. That I feel particularly happy when someone acknowledges that I am a lady, and that sometimes that means boys should do nice things for us. Not to much, but lifting heavy things, holding open doors when appropriate, maybe allowing us to sit in the front seat..

I'm so excited about my birthday weekend. A hockey game, a mud run, dinner, dancing, facials (maybe) and then tea! what a full weekend, but what a fantastic time celebrating.

I am also excited because I'm going to see my first apartment tonight- hopefully I'll like it. We'll have to see what happens.

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will said...

what do men get in return?

Gridley said...

Men get the honor of knowing they are treating the lady properly, and may hope to someday merit the favor of a lady by constant practice.

Put more simply: they're cuter than we are. Deal. :-)

will said...

equality is equality

or it isn't

Raising Them Jewish said...

Wow- not sure I meant to spark controversy, but that's okay.

Equality? Hmm.. I would like to believe that I can lift the heavy TV and carry it the same distance that you can Will, and with you, maybe I can. But let's compare Matt and me. I just can't do it. I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a woman and that I have a different body than a man. So can there really be equality? No matter what medical insurance we get, the averages state that I will spend more. I have birth control every month and every year I see 2 doctors, you see 1. Is that equal? No, but that's okay. We're not the same.

As for opening the doors, I just think it's nice and sweet. It makes me think that he is thinking about me, and no, it's not equal. I don't usually open the door for him. But it's sweet, and I appreciate it.

Gridley said...

Equality how? As Izzy says, women have lower upper body strength than men (on average), etc. Women also have, as a whole, higher value to the race because of the way reproduction works.

Now I'd like us to be equal in terms of the number of votes we get on election day, the weight our testimony is given in court, and the wages we're paid for doing the same quality of work at the same job.

Equal doesn't mean identical.

The world, of course, isn't fair. If Randomgirl and I both got identical grades in school, I'd probably still get paid more to be an engineer. She, however, would get paid more to be an exotic dancer. The first is blatently unfair, but over time will hopefully become less of a factor. The latter is unfair, and will probably never change.

will said...

i'm not opposed to opening doors for people, but i tend to do it regardless of their sex. there's nothing wrong with being honest about the differing abilities of people, but that doesn't mean we must jump to conclusions based on averages. i'm sure there are many women with more upper body strength than i have. does this mean i shouldn't feel compelled to hold the door for them? should we not feel compelled to fight for equal pay for male exotic dancers?

my point is not that everyone should be treated identically despite their differences as individuals, but that to request special treatment for a portion of the population on the principle of them belonging to one sex or the other will only serve to perpetuate stereotypes and the inequality inherent to arbitrary divisions.