Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Maybe now that I'm working I'll be better

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

Wow- now it's been a very long time. For those of you not in other contact with me, I'll give you the 5 minute update.

I've started a new job with UCI. I love it. I'm the Assistant Production Manager for the School of the Arts and it is so wonderful to be doing theatre again. To be in the costume shop and to have tools and actors and all those wonderful things. I still get to do music concerts, but I also get to do dance and special events. Thrilling.

In order to start my job on the 1st I left my apartment and moved in with my parents. What a crazy and frustrating adventure that has been. They are wonderful people, but there are so many frustrations. I have a lot of stuff and trying to put it all into one room is impossible.

I'm still with (or just with) Matt. Things are going really well. We have very full weekends, at least this month, so we'll see how they continue to shape up as we move along the rest of this year.

My birthday is coming up, and my sister is coming down for it. I'm thrilled about that. I'm doing the Mud Run at Camp Pendleton, at least I'm going to try. I injured my right foot trying to train for the event... we'll see what happens on saturday.

I'm having a problem dealing with people's political opinions. I have been dealing with two people who have very strong, and in my opinion wrong, ideas about a few different things. While I've tried to get to the point where we're all okay saying that we can just agree to disagree, it doesn't seem like these two people are willing to let me have my opinions. I have tried to just be quiet, but it's so hard. Thoughts?

Well, I think that's it for now. I'll try to get back to a usual typing and some good thoughts.

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1 comment:

Gridley said...

It'll be better once the election is over.

Good luck with the run, and post more!