Thursday, October 8, 2009

How long it's been...

One would hope that I add something to the world- be it good, bad, or indifferent- Me

I feel a tad bit negligent in my not writing sooner. So much has happened since my last writing. On the one hand, I am finally no longer employed. I left UCI a few days ago, about a week. I am trying to be positive, but I'm actually not just sad, but desperately sad. Almost every day I think about what it is that my boss is doing, how her life is without me. What is happening with my office... I am desperately upset that I'm no longer doing the job I loved, surrounded by the people who have come to mean a lot to me. That those new freshman are starting, and that I won't get the chance to know them.

I have had a few offers, but none of them have felt right. I was so close to taking one, but in the end I just didn't feel good about never having my sundays as days off, though having Friday's off certainly felt nice. It just didn't seem to line up.

My boss keeps thinking that it might be possible for me to get my job part time... I desperately want to stay with them, and I'm not sure what I would do if the opportunity presented itself to go back.

I switched my phone service to Verizon to be with my fiance... I'm quite excited with the text messaging and the new phone I got.

I'm trying to keep up with the running for the 10K with the Mud Run at Pendleton. I've started to be able to run 5 miles in under 55minutes. I'm so excited to be working out so diligently, though I must admit that since I lost my job, I think I've gotten less diligent, despite the additional time I have to put towards it.

So many many weddings. I've been to a wedding or a wedding event almost every weekend. It means I haven't played soccer on a Saturday in over a month. Actually, since before I got engaged. It's so complicated...

The wedding plans are coming along. I'm thrilled...

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