Friday, June 29, 2007

So...on another note: weekend plans

Friday's are supposed to be posts about weekend plans, so here goes:

Tonight: Nothing was planned, but I will probably go out on a mellow date...

Tomorrow: Soccer at 9am! Woot! then I'm supposed to somehow get my brakes fixed by my dad in the OC. Not quite sure how to get down there...
Perhaps volleyball at 3pm...Perhaps flag football with Shelly.... As for Saturday night...who knows.
It's Matt's B-day, so maybe he'll do something interesting...

Sunday: Relax day. Laundry perhaps...clean up my house. Deposit my checks...take stock of what's up with life. Probably a reflective day....


I hate thiefs!

So, last night after kickball, and after the bar I come back to find the window of my car SMASHED IN and my GPS gone! Not only my GPS, but my favorite sweater, my new orange bag, and some of my random personal effects.

WHY DID YOU STEAL MY ORANGE BAG! It's not anything really special...I just REALLY loved it! It was so useful. I JUST BOUGHT IT!

And my sweater! YOU TOTALLY SUCK! I HATE YOU! I loved that sweater...I really did. It made me look great, some of my best pictures are of me in that sweater.

Dude- you are the stupidest person ever. Why did you have to take what didn't belong to you. What did I do to you. That GPS was a gift..AND I CAN'T AFFORD TO BUY A NEW ONE! The irony of it all- I got lost on the way home. How pathetic!

GRRRRRRRRRR..... where ever you are...I hope that it electrocutes you!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Trying to Blog- I promise

So, I've decided that I need a little more structure to my blog. To try to take some of the pressure of coming up with something interesting to write off of myself. Shockingly enough, especially to those of you who know me well, I DON'T always have something to say. I should rephrase...I always have something to say, we all know this...I just don't always have something to write.

From now on I'm going to try something new:
Monday: Weekend report
Tuesday: Decorating/Martha Stewart I like to do cute things Tip day.
Wednesday: Random Day
Thursday: Random Day
Friday: weekend report.
weekend: probably no posting- but who knows!

So...since it's Thursday...

I read about 12 blogs a day. From those about 9 of them are for friends of mine. I hate to say it, but those 9 blogs provide the least consistent posting. I know, none of them are doing blogging as a job, but seriously people. For some of you it's been MONTHS!

The other blogs I read certainly run the gamit. Not quite sure how I found most of them, but they provide a decent amount of fun for any given day. They range from a Jewish Cartoon blog to PostSecret and cupcakes and mothers. For some reason Mother's in Alaska. These blogs provide me with interesting thoughts, interesting ideas, and a good sense of the blogging world. I LIKE to be involved in their lives. I LIKE knowing that there are other people out there doing as many, if not more, stupid things then I am.

I really want to make my apartment look cute....I think perhaps part of this evening's activities will include measuring things, and trying to use whatever internet resources I can to get some cute ideas....

Monday, June 25, 2007

Exciting Exciting

Life is good. I had a great, albeit stressful, conversation with a good friend. There are still things I need to work on or accept about myself. I was pleased with most of the conversation, though still saddened about the continuing trejectory of our lives.

My trip plans are coming along. I've decided to limit my 13 days of travel to Greece, Turkey, Jordan, and Cyprus. I think this means a more effective trip and a clearer view of what I will experience. I haven't blocked out the idea of spending the total trip in Israel either. I think everyone else will also be pleased...none of these countries (except Israel) are on the Governments travel advisory list. WOOT! While me traveling to these countries may make my family a little nervous, I think that I am aware of the security risks and am taking them into account.

On other notes I have been enjoying work. Perhaps that's because my assistant comes back on Wednesday and I spent the whole day today working on my trip. It's only fair, she was working on her novel....

Friday, June 22, 2007

Another Day

Another boring day at work. I just can't imagine how many times a day I sit here and think how much I would LOVE to be doing anything else! It's not that I don't like my job, because a lot of the time, I do....but I just can't help but think WHY ARE YOU PAYING ME!!!!

Remember, it's summer and during the school year this place will own yor soul. Enjoy the weather, the short skirts and the flipflops while you can. Starting next week I'll be working hard...

Another day...anopther dollar. I do have A LOT to do...I just don't want to be doing any of it alone in the basement. I really want Amy to come back. Thank goodnesss she will be here monday and I can start to really tackle my 4 page list of things to do. I also need $2000 to do everything I want to. I guess we'll see how that turns out.

That's it from the underside . To be honest, I don't want to tell him, but I'm a little jealous of matt's 14 hour days. At least he feels appreciated. and necessary.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Harry Potter Movie

I've Seen the new Harry Potter movie! You may be saying to yourself right now, "I thought that wasn't coming out until July" and you would be right! But I have cool friends, who also think that I'm cool, and they TOOK ME TO SEE IT!

Okay- here are my thoughts:

Relationship to book: I felt like they left out a lot less that was really important in this movie. There were a few things, the Quibbler, the swamp, some fight scenes, but overall, everything felt right.

Movie itself: Some interesting cinematography. I was pleased with the pace of the movie. It didn't all feel like one day- it felt like things really happened. A good director really made the thing come alive. I liked that I really thought that the characters were older, wiser, and ready to take some new steps. Though they did manage to make me dislike pink a little bit :-/

Overall: A. Yup, just an A. A lot of the scariness of the movie has totally left. I wanted to be much more frightened of Voldemort than I was....

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


So many of my friends have gone to Europe. I'm suprised. I wish that any of them had been close enough friends that I could have tagged along.

I'm excited about this trip- I'm excited about all the possibilities. If I'm honest with myself- I'm also a little terrified. That's normal...right?

I'm anxious to learn all those things I'm going to learn about myself by being alone. Wow- I think I'm already starting to put to many expectations on this whole thing. WOOT!

On a totally other note- I'm off to see the new Harry Potter movie! TONIGHT! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

STd's STI's and other not so great things

So last night one of the guys I've been dating told me that he has HPV. We haven't gotten any where near having sex; but it was sort of disturbing to hear. For the first time in my life I felt happy that I have always been extremely comfortable talking about sex, STD's and making sure that the people I engage with are not only clean, but telling the truth about such a status.

Now I'm in the awkward position of deciding whether or not I even want to attempt to engage with a man who has an STD...? HPV is a tricky one. It's not curable, condoms have not been proven as a method of protection; and then, of course, there is the new HPV vaccine (which takes 6 months to get).

My father and I were once discussing Indecent Proposal. That movie where a millionaire offers money to a couple if he can sleep with the wife. We discussed what I would do in that situation. My dad would totally go for it. The only thing I could think of was "has he been tested for STD's" My dad thought that this response was not only odd, but oddly sad. That the only thing I was really concerned with was the fact that my generation is dealing with a whole new level of STD's that his generation didn't even consider....

Apparently my nervous existence isn't always a bad thing...unfortunatley it might have turned out to be one of the best questions I've ever asked.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Monday

It's been a great and interesting weekend. Two first dates on Saturday, both of which went very well. I think I might be interested enough for second dates with both of them.

Father's day was sister is STILL annoying, but I guess that's to be expected.

Soccer got cancelled due to a forest fire...grrr.

The MOST INTERESTING NEWS: I spoke with Hallie on IM and Shannon actually picked up her phone! These were humongous events in my life. Thrilling- to say the least!

I keep wondering about my trip- I'm really nervous about war breaking out and being partially stranded in Israel. Irrational fear??? I am totally psyched though, and think that it could turn into one of those personally defining trips. How stupid is it to really just head out into the middle east without any real plan? Seems good to me...

I'm excited about the work happening this summer. Not to much going on, but enough to keep me reasonably entertained. Yeah!

Okay- that's about it. Yeah new boys, cute boys, and fun nights out.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Off to never neverland

I have my flights confirmed. I head to Israel on July 26th and hang out there abouts until I fly home on August 20th. What should I do with all that time.

I'm sort of TERRIFIED of traveling alone, but I'm also sort of thrilled. I figure at the very least if nothing else works out I will head to Edinburgh to see the Theatre festival...any of you going?

I'm applying to USC. I'm going to take the GRE and do my masters. Am I stupid?

I got totally wasted last night. Really bad- I am SO SORRY all my kickball friends. Don't give me anymore free drink coupons. Though I would say that Bear Ninja Cowboy ROCKED! Thanks Dave for letting me play. I ended up with 10 beads! Take that!

Okay- that's all for now. Hopefully my system will be able to handle food later tonight. I think I had the most important meeting to date with my boss a little hungover and a little drunk! WOOT!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Not really much to say

I decided to write today because I am frustrated that all of the blogs I read for down moments in my office haven't been updated today. So here: An UPDATE!

I'm thinking about taking some classes here at USC. I can't quite decide what I want to do with myself. Here are some of the ideas I'm considering:

  1. Masters PASA (postsecondary Admin and Student Affairs) program because I've always been interested in college recruitment. I love planning college events (fairs, sleep-aways, orientations, etc.) It sort of ties into PMing, it's just a different type of show.
  2. Entreprenuership (sp?). I have always thought about starting my own store. Selling cupcakes and fudge or handmade personalized gift baskets. Sick friend- send a gift basket. At a more reasonable price and with a "funner' Contents than currently available items.
  3. Business classes. How could I go wrong?
  4. Masters in Theatre. then I could teach classes and have my summers "off."
  5. Cinema/TV. I haven't really done anything in this world yet. Would classes help me determine if I like it?

What do you think? I can't help but think about the future- and how much I really want to be doing whatever the future holds RIGHT NOW!

Monday, June 11, 2007

So I didn't post everyday- and to be honest I knew I wouldn't post over the weekend. I don't have my computer on, and I don't really care to. I hope that today's late post will not turn my new readers away...

I can't help thinking today about how many weird habits I have. I leave my clothes on the floor, but my bed has to be made. I love to debate things, but I hate following politics or current events...

I want to know how my parents created me. Not how did they have sex and give birth (I've had the birds and the bees talk), but how did they end of making me who I am. The genes versus environment story. I have NEVER done drugs. I haven't ever smoked a single cigarette, pot, anything. I didn't really even drink alcohol before I was 21. I never even considered having sex or getting pregnant while in high school. I clean my room, I answer my e-mail, I love my parents. I have strong religious ideals and I have a generally acceptable moral standard.

HOW DID THEY DO THAT!??? and more can I?

Yes, I will admit that there are still some things that I do that aren't what I would like to be doing...I think that sometimes I still end up sending the wrong message when I don't want to...I think to much about money and finances...

Eh...does it matter?

Friday, June 8, 2007

A title when I'm done- if I remember

So, Boevers mentioned me in his ellipses- so I thought I would do some of my own:

I wonder how long this whole writing everyday thing is going to continue. Will my blog readership get better if I keep it up...I think I might be sabatoging a relationship that I am very excited about...Why do the guards who guard the tomb of the unknown soldier have to swear off alcohol for the rest of their lives? Seems a little random to me...Do you think that I might be good at being a State Department Security office. Protecting important people?...I'm so excited about my trip- finally some time to think and be alone...I'm spending WAY to much money. I hope my new attempts to curb the financial drain will work...I'm about to try my hand at recovering a chair- here goes nothing...Why am I so uninterested in world politics? Believe me- I don't care...USC has a lot of students...I worry about some of my friends to much I think...I sort of wish that the feeling I had now was a little more like the feelings I started with at Freshman many different ways can someone spell fish?...I hope that I win the writing contest. I don't think I will, but I really do want a pooping moose...How is it that I can't ever seem to get through calling Go Country...Do I really want to go to a JT concert with Rustin...Disneyland this weekend should be fun. I wonder what the projected attendance is...I wish that people would respond to e-mails...Did Kevin ever decide to use me an an alumni reference. I wrote him an e-mail...Doing ellipses is good, but I sometimes think that giving myself time to ponder my thoughts and write them as I think them may be a bad thing...

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Creating a blogging community: Traditions

So...I have decided to try to become part of the blogging community. As such, I am entering the 'Write-Away' Contest found here:

I'm new to all this sexy posting, but I'm trying:

Traditions: I'm not a mom, I don't have a permanent place to live, a family or even only one address (yes, I still have a large portion of my mail going to my parents house). How then can I have any traditions? Well, suprisingly enough, I think that I do. Traditions are just another word for things you do often that have special meaning- things you do because they make you feel good, they make you think, they add something to your life.

I'm not a good cook, so it's suprised me that one of my true traditions has been cupcake baking. I guess many consider baking and cooking as seperate beasts, but to me, they are one in the same. Each month (usually related to the holiday or 'feeling' of the month) I bake a ridiculous amount of cupcakes. I've been doing really well. About 40 cupcakes per batch, and I bring them all over the world. The homeless guys on the street, my soccer team, my office, my roommates (old and new). I'm pleased with this can a tradition with sugar be a bad thing?

I've tried to capitalize on other family traditions- every Passover I think very specifically about my parents; their love for me, and hopes for my future. Coming together for Jewish holidays is a tradition I not only love, but deperately want to embrace. So far, no luck on convincing the family to come out to LA for a Holiday at my house- but having my friends over and imitating the concept (albeit with more wine) has been pretty successful.

I am amazed at how many traditions my parents have impressed upon me. The fact that every year we not only have, but actually attend the 'family reunion' when me and my sister are the only people under the age of thirty? The fact that under no circumstances would it be acceptable for a member of my family to miss a holiday. I LOVE knowing that out of my extended family- my whole nucleus (sister, mom, dad and me) will DEFINITELY be there. That we will not only be there, but be spirited, happy and excited about whatever family event is close at hand.

It also occurs to me in this very strange and rambling post how many things I do that have become traditions. I have spent the last 5 years with Matthew's (my ex-boyfriend) family for July4th. What about this year? Making that change to not being with him, to not celebrating those moments with him? I remember the first time he brought me...the feeling of specialness I got from his not only inviting me, but showing me off. Is it wrong that though we are broken up I still want to cling to that tradition? That I miss making eggs at 2am with my ex-roommate, and our weekly 11pm tea on Thursday night?

Here's to being 22, living on your own, and starting your own traditions! The little things that make this insane and unknowable world a little better- a little less tragic. To traditions that may not be long tested, but have certainly started to spread a little joy, happiness and love in multiple directions!


I sent a legislative proposal to my state senator today. Of course it's about 4 months before anyone will even really look at it...but it made me feel good. I basically said I think it's ridiculous for USC to charge me to park my car in their USC owned parking lot. BECAUSE IT IS!

The DMV gives free parking... the DAMN DMV! And yet I have to pay for mine? How else am I supposed to get to work. An employee getting minimum wage gives them 6 hours of work for free to park a month. Damn...that SUCKS! The reality is that in my case it's closer to 2 hours, but I'm still pretty pissed off. What a StUPID system.

So, Senator Scott, please- help me out!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Even more kickball woes

So- turns out that WAKA is suing another kickball group DCKickball. Now wait for it...they are suing for....wait for it..

365,000 dollars! HOLY CRAP!

What started out as a non-profit has earned these kickball boys over $3million a year in fees. They buy shirts, they give back about $10/player to the division and they have 22 employees...DAMN...they are making bank!

I'm a little disillusioned by what has turned out to be a great pasttime. I've always thought it was I think it's ridiuculous! I should have known- when my soccer league only makes me pay $30/season with pro referrees...

Eh- at the end of the day this does not mean I will stop playing. It only means I might grumble more.

Friday, June 1, 2007

new Roommate, more kickball and disapearing friends new roommate moved in yesterday. While I was reasonably excited about this, I've been thrown a few curveballs. In the past 24 hours (in truth she hasn't lived here even that long) she:

  1. Forgot to lock the door when she went to bed.
  2. Took dishes out of the sink and put them on the counter...????
  3. slept on the floor in a sleeping bag, but moved in with soap detergent...??
  4. Forgot to lock the door on her way out- while I was sleeping
  5. Put the ugliest zebra print fuzzy pillow in the living room. OH MY G-D!

Perhaps I am being to hard on her....I just don't understand. Hopefully things will work out fine-all will be well.

On another note kickball has gone from relaxed issues and drinking to tension, winning/loosing, and drama! My Studio kickball team has broken up into two different teams: the Pandamoniums and Grey Austin's Conservatory. One is the 'fun laid-back let's not really win' team, the other is the 'competitive let's have practice team.' I want to be competitive, but practice just dosen't work for me.... I'm a little annoyed that there has to be a division. But I'll be in Europe for most of the season...let the chips fall where they may.

HALLIE STERN! CALL ME! Goodness gracious...I KNEW this was going to happen. While in Florida- she called me back. Now New York has gotten a hold of her, and like Caitlin before her, her cell phone has stopped working, land-lines only call within the city and her facebook account doesn't log-in. She has ceased to exist to the outside of NY world. **okay, okay**

I'm a bit dramatic. But really- I was totally not ready for Hallie to leave- and have my good roommate move out on top of that. I need my girlfriends back! Who else can I talk to about the fact that for some reason I can only seem to find guys who are almost 30...or over 30?

Okay- I guess that's all for now. i'm looking forward to Israel, Jordan, Turkey and Greece. Excited about a new world to conquer.