Friday, November 30, 2007
The rock on my ground
I think it's often easy to forget which was is up. As much as I know that life will continue to turn, both in the sense that world rotates and that time doesn't stop for anyone, I can't help but get caught up in the sentiments of the moment. In the tragedies, the comedies; the strengths and the weaknesses.
I remember the first time I realized that all the moments in the moment will never translate to my feelings in later life. Freshman year of college I remember coming back to my high school and realizing that although I might try, I cannot recall all the reasons for the angst. I can recall some specific instances to this day, but much of those memories are blurs. Scattered moments around circular feelings of contentness. Maybe not even content, but certainly moments-gone-bye.
I realize to that there are some moments in my life, some overwhelming occurrences that I will never be able to translate to moments-gone-bye. The death of my beloved grandfather, and the tragic loss that he was to my life. The memories of my friend Devin, who shot himself in the head on a dune in New Mexico. The call made to Austria in the wee hours of the morning after having a disastrous experience in bed. The first snow angel I made in the middle of the road of Pittsburgh, as the sun began to shine through the bleak clouds. The singular terrible date I went on with the now deceased Dave, and the fact that I was introduced to his widow 6 times at his funeral. The accidental sex, the Beach Boys, and the look in his eyes letting me know it would be okay. The first time I laughed while having sex in bed. The moment I took at college graduation, attending the Baccalaureate in the early morning- sneaking out of my own apartment in fear of being followed by my sister or aunt.
I wonder which of the myriad of moments I've been having recently I will remember forever. Those moments where the message and the emotions and the feelings will be crystal clear forever and always....
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Shabbat Shalom- things I love
Things YOU Love:
Song you love: Right now, This is for all you Girls
Food you love: Soup- it's cold out
Thing you love to look at: New painting I bought in Israel on my wall. My ceiling when I'm in bed.
Sound you love: Rain when I wake up.
Thing you love to laugh at: Meg Fowler
Gadget you love: My remote control for my tv and stereo
Person you love: Myself- is that odd....
Software you love: Photoshop
Word you love: Onamonapeia (sp?)
Thing you love on the internet: These games: World and US
Place you love to go on vacation: Right now I really want to go to New York, but I think that I'll vote for Israel, because I think I could go there every year for the rest of my life and still love it.
Sensation you love: Stretching in the AM.
Animal you love: I want to buy a cat- but I LOVE black bears.
Book you love: My journal. For others, The Giver
Emotion you love: Calmness
Occasion you love: Housewarming parties.
Quality you love in people: Beingthereness. no, that's not really a word.
Thing you most love to shop for: underwear, socks, pj's.
And finally…
What you love about today: That it was raining when I woke up.
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Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tired, and not such a glowing horizon today...
I just want to sit on the couch with someone wrapping me in their arms. To have someone tell me that although it's hard right now, that it's going to be okay tomorrow.
Let's review the truth
-Current job situation has an unstable future
-Several job interviews, but no offers yet
-Loss of a good relationship
-The attempts at rekindling a good friendship
-Friends in Ohio not to be found here
-Friends here a little more than distant
-Working at total of 18 hours of OT this week, with over 70 in the next two....
-WCDAC party on Saturday
-Start of Hanukkah
-Gift buying season
-Final paper due Monday
-Application essay due in two weeks.
-Application due in two weeks.
Negatives Neutrals Positives
I guess we can see where my life is in actuality. Of course, at the end of the night I'm going to be sitting in my bathtub, with some smelly crystals, a glass or wine, and a good book. Might not be that bad afterall.
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I guess that Birthright did what it was supposed to....
Last night I found myself, again, in a conversation about Israel. I'm not saying in any way that this is a bad thing, but I am continually amazed at the dedication I now show in defending and supporting Israel.
They do have problems. They do things wrong. Per the conversation last night- yes it would be accurate to say that they are associated with the US through all the goods and bads. That, certainly in part, the existence of Israel is due to the US.
I never really cared before. Now that I know the people, I've met those soldiers, their families, their burned out kindergartens.... I just can't help but have a deeper understanding of the plight.
I guess that birthright did what it was supposed to. I had already started blaming it for my new zeal and lust for travel and new adventures. I guess that the fact that I care so much is pretty directly related to the experience I had there as well.
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Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The horizon looks beautiful- endless with possibilities
This week has led to many new, exciting potential possibilities. Things here at work are shifting, with people leaving and new positions opening up. I've had two interviews for new positions that I didn't even seek out- one group came to me because they want me; the other opportunity sort of 'fell' in my lap.
I'm excited about the options in Asia, in Dubai, around the country and around the world. From new places and exciting new faces. I have to admit that I'm a bit overwhelmed with all the potential possibilities, but I have faith that something interesting will turn out from all of the conversations.
Does anyone know more about Dubai? Entertainment in Dubai? Jews in Dubai? Women in Dubai? Should I be as worried as my mother thinks I should be? Exciting adventure, or asking for trouble?
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Monday, November 26, 2007
Hearing the good thoughts from others
I am so thrilled and happy to hear all of the good in the lives of my friends. To hear that Caitlin loves the theatre and her job, not to mention the fact that her soul is brimming over with excitement. That Allie in Europe has embraced the life-altering experience. That she is finally realizing all those things that she does that make her brilliant and wonderful, and that she's truly investing in making herself everything she can be.
All of these people, and all of their happiness, makes me thrilled. It's more than just happiness, it's honestly a type of excitement that can only be described as incredible. To hear, finally, that all the people that I love and care about are doing well. Not only doing well, but fabulously. Embracing the wondrous people that they are, and loving every minute of their days.
To life- to happiness- to love.
I also just wanted to say that I really do believe in the powers of love. To be in love, to love someone, to share love. That even though it's a tough road that I know the truth about the way love fills you with happiness and excitement, energy and all the good in life. I can only hope that even with all my flaws that someone will realize that 30 years from now I will still love to be outdoors, that I will still get over things quickly, and that the smile on my face every morning isn't going anywhere.
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Sunday, November 25, 2007
A lazy day, but a good one
I had such a great night last night. I went with my friend to the Magic Castle. It's an exclusive magician's club in downtown LA. He took me with his whole family. We had a great dinner and an entertaining seance about Houdini. I saw three different magic shows, ate and drank my fill. It was spectacular, and I got to dress up. Thanks Rands!
Today I was exhausted from the late night out. Unfortunately Thanksgiving brought more than just turkey- it brought drama. It was a long weekend, with a lot of driving as well. So I took today to clean-up, wind down, and gear up for the next week or so of craziness. From now until the 16th things are quite crazy.
I dyed my hair tonight. I was quite nervous, but I'm happy to say that it turned out a nice shade of reddish brown. Just changing a little with the autumn season.
On a totally other note, any suggestions about who to help a family get along through wedding crises? It turns out, finally, that the grooms parents are not planning on contributing any money. Unfortunately for my sister the money my parents were going to give really isn't enough to cover the type of wedding fantasy my sister had. Lots of fights, lots of anxiety, and I'm just not sure that I can handle all of the pressure and conversation. I love them all, I really do, but I just don't think that I can take another year.5 of this crap. Any thoughts?
I miss my best friend. I will be strong and I will overcome. Here's to a successful adventure!
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Friday, November 23, 2007
Cleaning house
I've decided that I need to clean house. And by clean house I mean that I've deleted a few of my posts. I can't decide if this is actually sort of against the whole idea of a blog, but regardless, I'm doing it. Trust me, you won't miss what I've made disappear...
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Happy Thanksgiving- or is it already Merry Christmas?
I love Thanksgiving. It's one of my favorite holidays because unlike most Jewish holidays there isn't any ceremony. Everyone gets together and just gets to eat. However with the Thanksgiving holiday over the whole world gets to celebrating Christmas... why is it that in southern California I get exceptionally annoyed by the fact that it's everywhere?
When I was in Pittsburgh it wasn't quite as annoying. It was actually rather nice. The snow was falling, the weather was cold and someone singing "baby it's cold outside" wasn't nearly as annoying as it is here with the sun and the palm trees.
I remember working at the card store, where each thanksgiving was followed by an intense night filling the whole store with Christmas and 'holiday' cards. Without fail each year someone would come into the store and lecture me on my impending damnation in hell. Of course because I don't believe in hell it's usually just funny to me. Do you want tape with that?
I went shopping, yes, I hit the stores on Black Friday. I bought some cute things and overall I'm very pleased with the whole experience. I love shopping by myself. The more girls you bring the more subjected I feel.
So, Happy Thanksgiving, and I guess Merry Christmas...
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Yes, I'm a little odd; and no these thoughts didn't take more than 2 minutes.
There wasn't any traffic on the freeway today. I made great time for 9am. I'm always amazed at how traffic ebbs and flows. I understand there is an entire science behind it. Somehow I don't think that understanding it would make it any less annoying.
There was a bug on my desk this morning. I noticed it before I turned the lights on. I have this crazy ability to notice bugs. On Monday I noticed a bug that was crawling around on the floor in the light of the TV. It turned out to be a cricket and I was actually kind of sad that he died. But, since he was a cricket, I know that given the chance he would have cricked me to death.
I've discovered the most beautiful thing in my bedroom. And no, it's not my body. I took the 'summer' blanket that I have (yes, I live in Cali and I still try to adjust my life by the seasons) and I started using it like a sheet with my warm quilt on top. It's so great. Because, of course, I needed another reason not to want to get out of bed.
I just got my hands on a xylophone. I think I'm going to paint it, then screw it into the wall near my desk at home. Maybe in the kitchen. If I had kids that would be a great alternative to the normal triangle. Imagine a xy serenade to the kitchen.
I'm going to the magic castle on Saturday. I am so excited. I think I've been waiting for this moment my entire life- I hope that I can remember to have hopes and excitement, and not expectations....
I'm still ELATED about the GRE! I can't believe I did better than I needed to, that it's done, and that I won't ever have to take it again. Thank G-d it wasn't a waste of $140.
I read my Glamour magazine yesterday. I started getting this one because American Airlines told me to use my mileage on magazines because they were going to take them away. My sister loves it, but I have never been such a big fan. I can't help but wonder how it is that these magazines send people to Uganda... what? Uganda? Really?
I watched this ridiculous show called a shot at love with Tila Tequila last night. I happened to catch the episode with the huge, nasty cat fight. That fight was seriously amazing.
I hope I can keep my sanity through the next few days. I just have to remember to smile, think happy thoughts, and know that I love my family. I'm working on a surprise for the immediate family-I hope they are as excited as I am.
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The Dejavu of my blog posting.
I was looking back through my post history, and I am amazed at how many times I have said the same things twice. Or three times. Or even four.
I'm trying Internet...I really am. Not to dwell on things, and really to just be interesting and entertaining. Eh, so I'm not that entertaining- no need to point it out!
Thank you for reading, I appreciate all the support.
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I did it, and I did even better than I wanted to!
GRE- check! I did great. What a crazy moment though.
I tried to go to sleep a little early last night but I was thwarted by the lack of air in my room. Okay, sorry, not the lack of air, but the lack of circulating air. Somehow my windows got closed so the room was stifling. I figured that out at around 2am.
Anyone who knows me knows that waking up early and me are NOT friends. So I was extra anxious having to wake up at 6am. I did get up with the alarm though; I took a shower, had breakfast and left right on schedule.
Hahaha- sounds like it should have been a fine morning doesn't it....heh heh heh. Turns out that my estimation about how long it will take to get through downtown LA was a complete JOKE! I made it to the testing center at exactly 8:00am. Flustered, freaking out, and totally out of sorts.
In the end it worked out fine, so yeah for that! Go Grad school. Go Grad School. Go Grad school!
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Monday, November 19, 2007
Fighting the instinct, the quest for happiness
I have decided that I will be happy. I have decided that this quest may not be as simple as I want it to be, in fact, it will probably be very difficult. However, I want it.
The question then remains, what is causing me to be unhappy? I don't think that there are people or situations or things that I can remove from my life. The things that I can affect are, and have always been, the way I respond to the things that happen in life.
I am going to change my expectations. In fact, I'm going to strive to REMOVE expectations from my life. It seems that the place where most people are challeneged by expectations, at work, is not where I am. I place expectations on people, friends and events all the time. All I end up doing is creating unhappiness. If my expectations are wrong, then I'm angry and upset. If they are right I'm not thankful that it happened, I'm probably just blaze.
So- no more expectations. I have just a few. I still expect not to get beaten by my boyfriends, that my parents will love me, and that my friends will not abuse me (emotionally, physically, etc).
I am also going to try to take a stance about the way I react to things. I CAN have an effect on the way I react. So, here goes.
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Saturday, November 17, 2007
Love Lists- because I need one
days when I can wake up to the sound of rain outside my window.
cuddling up in the cold with a nice comforter
Believing that I am beautiful, and that I deserve someone who knows that
thinking about the holidays and all the food that comes with them
starting out a new day, breathing in the air and being alive (mostly)
the smell of fresh baked challah
realizing that whatever comes today, I will be okay.
leaves that fall from the sky and land in appropriate places.
That my parents are still willing to read my papers
That I have two different interviews with two different companies
that I have nothing tying me down
the taste of chocolate in my mouth
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Can I really just be your friend? I thought you were my soulmate
This whole experience seems like such a dejayvu. I could swear I have walked down this exact path with you before. And, as much as I know that I'm not what you want, I couldn't help getting wrapped up in it again. In your arms, in your smile, in your eyes.
It's been proved beyond a doubt, however, that you do not want me. That all you want is my friendship.
I had thought that if we took a break between now and then, that when I walked into that party, looking beautiful and being happy- that you would remember that you love me; that you're in love with me, and that you want to be with me for the rest of my life. That's what I had thought.
It's obvious, however, that it was never going to happen like that.
So, let's take it one day at a time. Let's focus on the friendship, remember the boundaries that friends should have, and invest ourselves fully in other people.
And, just for the record, I don't have a problem driving. In fact I'm driving to Laguna Beach tonight for a birthday party. I just don't want to drive to an event with people I don't know, and arrive alone and by myself after the whole party has started without me. I'm not that adventurous I guess...but it has NOTHING to do with the idea of driving down by myself.
PS- I've been anxious to speak with you. About Jess and what she means, about the fact that you found your way here and you had so many things to say about it. So the fact that you cancelled twice when I had so many things on my mind just made it that much worse. Oh well, it doesn't matter now.
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Friday, November 16, 2007
It's not Narcissim...I promise.
There are days when I look in the mirror and I genuinely think that I'm pretty. Honestly, it's not like I'm staring at myself, but I do think that I have a certain beauty to me. I love those individual moments when, as I've just finished brushing my teeth and I look up in the mirror before I turn out the light, I catch my own eyes and I really do think that I'm pretty.
As a person I'm generally comfortable in my skin. I sleep naked, I spend much of the time in my apartment naked or in my underwear...I just think that this is how G-d made me, and that I should be pleased with what I am. I think I look good in dresses and skirts, just the same in pants and t-shirts. (no shorts, me and shorts do NOT get along).
90% of the time I think the underwear I'm wearing makes me feel like a sexy vixen. I totally love it.
And no, contrary to popular belief, I don't wear this underwear purely to please someone else who may look at it. I feel good knowing that I'm wearing a matching bra and panties. That I'm helping to keep boobs looking perky and my who existence sexy.
Not sure what brought all of this out, and again, I will specify that I am not narcissistic, but I do love myself- there's no shame in that.
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
Twelve what?
1- number of cups of coffee I've ever had
2- pairs of sunglasses I keep in my purse, never having bought a single pair
3- glasses of tea on an average day
4- number of emergency room visits in an average year.
5- children I would like to have running through my house eventually.
6- the size of the holder 12 sailboat I learned to sail with.
7- number of toes I've broken.
8- gifts I try to give to friends of mine.
9- number of GRE practice tests I've thought about.
10- plus 5: amount of time I spend in the shower on an average morning.
11- times I've been on crutches with 2 broken bones and 9 sprained ankles.
12- winter coats in my socal closet.
What about your twelve?
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007
when I think about rain, I think about singing- only I know I'm not so great
Is the local one strike affecting many of my friends....when do we think it's going to be over...I love how they did this strike at the same time as the Writers, and I can't forget that Local 1 used to be Pittsburgh...I really want to travel to New York, but for $500 can't we just meet in the middle?....Thanks for the bag update David, I really appreciate many papers to write, is this grad school thing really a good idea?....I'm actually excited to see my sister in the wedding dress, less excited about time with the future's not that he went to a hockey game, it's that he presented it like dropping me was so easy....What should I bake to celebrate the Thanksgiving Holidays, I was thinking cupcakes and oreo-cookie pie?....I miss Andrew's homemade pie, his cranberry sauce- the whole thing. When are you having that event?....My fortune said that I would be reconnecting with people from the past- any more lurking out there?....I really do want to start a family, preferably earlier rather than later....I'm not sleeping well, my back hurts, and I have NO flexibility. Help please...GRE is on Tuesday, I think I'm going to freak out a little more before it comes....I've decided to study/research Conservatory education students and how they involve with the greater campus community- any thoughts?....I can't really figure out where I want my life to go. Thinkwell, Cirque, USC, Student Affairs- there are just so many options.
I want to get in bed and fall asleep.
I want to hear the alarm and be excited about getting up.
I want to be able to go shopping or do something productive before work.
Oh well- another day tomorrow.
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Specific notes to the ether-
I'm not sure how you found me, but I'm glad you did. I remember that fight we had while camping; but I also have the bottle of coke that we bought at Wal-mart after the long ridiculous bike ride up to Foothill Ranch. I'm glad that you are doing well, and I really do want to talk to you. Please call me, know that I care, and that I'm willing to explore a relationship again. I'm scared, and worried that I'll get hurt again, but I miss your friendship too- all the way down to the illicit trips for canned frosting...
PS- How did you find me. People who knew I had a blog couldn't find me...
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Friday, November 9, 2007
Only one today, at least on this blog
Today has been a bit crazy. I had a few meetings in my office, and suddenly there were people everywhere, noises, crazy amounts of staff members. It was actually more people doing work in my office than I've ever seen before.
Occasionally I like the busyness. I was thinking to myself how great it might be to have a job such as an ER social worker. Where you're working the whole day. Solving problems, getting out there, etc. But then I remembered how much those people do. How much work it must be. How tired they must get, and, at the end of it all, how depressing it would be to take children away from their mothers...
I've been thinking a lot about where I want my career to go. If anyone has any thoughts, please don't hesitate to speak up. I would love to take one of those office placement tests. Try to figure out exactly what I am looking for in a career and in an office.
Like I said, all suggestions welcomed...
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Thursday, November 8, 2007
Last one I promise...
From my favorite Meg Fowler (and yes, I guess it's true that since I don't know another-she's the only one)....
Coffee or tea?
PC or Mac?
Kids or no? Not yet
Political or no?
Summer or winter? Fall
Artificial sweeteners or sugar? Honey
Fries or salad?
Lake or ocean?
Own or rent?
Email or phone?
Traditional medical care or natural remedies? Both see this
Vegetarian (or vegan) or carnivore?
Apples or oranges?
Follow celeb culture or no?
Liberal or conservative?
Rural or urban?
Car or SUV?
Atheist or not (not includes agnostics)?
Marriage: necessary or no?
Cable or not?
Campsite or hotel?
Alcohol or no? depends
Up early or up late (if given the choice)?
News online or news on tv? neither
Any other takers?
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Love Thursday
I've had a lot of different guidelines in this blog. I haven't done very well with them. But this one I like:

Weird day, weird hour, weird life
lots of thoughts running through my head
Random thoughts, random ideas, not sure where to place them.
Worried about how people take things
worried about where my life is going. Not sure where to place them.
tired. of work, of school.
Tired of having to try so hard. Not sure where to turn.
Content. Trying to focus on where the good is.
Okay- I admit it. I have no idea what that is. It's not exactly a poem, but it certainly is some of the thoughts running through my head, though, of course, not in any sort of manageable order.
I know many new people have found there way here, and I want to remind you about this and that this is, again, my space. Please don't take anything I say here with to much weight. But, since you're here, you might as well internalize the thoughts I have.
I'm tired of people putting their ideas onto me. Recently this has come in the form of what they think the 'line' of my life should be. Where I should be headed, how much experience I have to be doing what I want to be, and what experiences I should have before I do what I want to. I have my thoughts, and my ideas. I want your opinion, but I don't want your opinion of what the perfect trajectory is thrust on my life. Yes, we all have our lenses. Just don't forget that you're seeing me through yours, and that what you think and what I think may be different.
I miss my friends. Please come back. Please return my phone call. Please come visit. Please write on your blog. Please don't forget about me.
I want my sister to have her wedding. I'm not inundated with thoughts about weddings, what colors I want, where I want it, what traditions I want to follow. There isn't a man, so stop it. And sister of mine, beautiful sister of mine, get a MOVE-ON!
I bought some homeopathic remedies yesterday. I'm excited. Arnica, and a few others. I don't think I got the potency right, but 30x is what they were selling. My book recommends 6x....
I want my group to stop being ridiculous. We need to commit to a meeting time and place and just get to it....grrrr...
UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE: I have to remember that the crappy weather makes me feel crappy. I hate these no sun, no rain kind of days. But it will get sunny again! REMEMBER THE SUN!
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Tuesday, November 6, 2007
GRE panic mode- yeah graduate admission
I finally signed up for the GRE. Yeah! I mean- CRAP! I really have to decide that I care about this test, and that I intend to study and do well.
The test is on November 20th. At 8am. In Gardena.
I've written one of my two admissions essays. I've written one of the two scholarship essays.
I have a paper due the 19th and a presentation in class.
I have three concerts that week in Thornton.
It's the week of Thanksgiving.
Okay- just breathe. you CAN do this. believe can.
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Monday, November 5, 2007
What's the meaning of life- and where does the red wine come in?
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving
safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, red wine in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming WOO HOO!!! What a ride!
Is this true? Is this really what I should be doing? Am I headed down this path....?
I've been thinking a lot about my future, where I want to be, and when I want to be there. I have to admit that I'm a little less than thrilled about the current 'waiting game'. Of course, a better person would say that all of these moments, this so called waiting, is really a part of the magical experience that is living. I'm not sure where I stand.
I want to get married. I want to start having children. I want to explore new places, new things, and to figure out what I like and what I don't.
When I told my mother that I was headed to Cambodia she told me that she could just shoot me with a gun if I wanted to die. I don't think that I have a death wish. In fact, I think I have a healthy curiosity. Of course, the truth that someone could walk in my door and say 'do you want to go to Timbuktwoo' I'd say when, and for how much? I just want to explore. To connect to new things. I think I sort of feel that as long as I'm not bogged down in the everyday, I won't mind that I feel like my life is not on the track that I want it to be.
I've been thinking a lot about my relationships. The ones I value, and trying to determine where these relationships should go. This includes friendships, intimate relationships and family connections. I'm at a point where I want to stop caring about people, if they don't seem to be caring for me. Where I can no longer give of my self, my heart, and my soul to those I'm intimate with, without something concrete in return. Where I need to feel nothing but generous support from those I'm related to and cannot leave.
I'm trying to hold back from forcing my hand... but the more I sit, the more I believe that that's truly what I need to do...
After all, if I want to skid in sideways screaming what a ride I probably ought to start now.Print Page
Friday, November 2, 2007
Halloween Review
So this Halloween I went to the costume Carnaval in West Hollywood. It was an interesting experience. honestly, it's sort of weird. It's just a long street where people walk up and down to see people dressed up crazy. Good to go at least once, but I wouldn't go again unless I was someone to look at...
highlights include:
1. Not to many cheerleaders. That made me happy.
2. Crazy cross-dressing women/men. Who's surprised?
3. Cool Flinstones car. There were 4 people walking the rocked!
4. A great burrito, with wonderful seats to watch the crazies.
5. Listening to the HANSENS play Um Bop..while twirling my hair. I love acting 12.
On a totally other note, now for those of you who want G- rated material, read no further....but how does one go about creating a 3 person party? You get what I'm asking...right? I've had one before, but the circumstance was with me and a guy's gf. He was sort of cheating on her with me... I don't want the guy I want involved cheating on me with another girl.
I've been thinking a lot about it. Thanks roommate, for the sex-novels....
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